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How to Write an APA Format Dissertation: Step-by-Step Instructions

When writing a dissertation, one of the most commonly asked questions is, what type of format do I use? While different universities, professors, and audiences prefer different formatting styles, one of the more common ones to use is APA formatting. Many students (particularly those that do not major in English), are not familiar with the different types of formatting. This is why it is helpful to have a systematic guide to formatting styles and how to use them. Listed here is such a guide for APA formatting.

What is APA formatting?

This refers to the way citations are used and the way the authors name is listed. For APA style the authors name is list with the last name spelled out and all others use initials. For example if the authors name is John Smith he would list it as Smith, J on the dissertation. As for as for citations, there are two basic parts with APA style. In-text citations and a reference list. The in-text citations are used to specify the fact that is being cited and the reference list is where all of the reference links are located.


Step 1 Mark each fact given in the actual text of the dissertation like this (Poe 1831) with the authors name and the publication year in parentheses. Other alternatives include saying that blank is according to Poe and then add the year only in parentheses. If the citation is in conjunction with a direct quote be sure to add the page number along with the name and year.

Step 2 The next thing to do is add the reference list to the very bottom of the document. This is to be done by creating a list of the authors cited in alphabetical order. Be sure to add title, publication year, and page number as necessary. URL’s can also be used by stating that the source was retrieved from, and then adding the URL.

Step 3 This step simply requires that all citations and references be double checked. Make sure that each fact has the correct citation and that all citations used are listed in the reference list. Also, be sure that as many facts as possible (preferably all) have a citation and are properly marked.

This is the basics of using APA formatting for a dissertation or any other academic paper. Citations can mean everything in an academic paper, so treat them with the respect they deserve.


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