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The Complete Guide To Writing A Biology Dissertation

Writing a dissertation in biology is supposed to be a very easy process. There are some instructions that will get you through, and so many important points that you need to consider. In as much as working on this task is easy, there are times when students are challenged in one way or the other. Most of the time these students end up failing not because they do not have the right ideas, but because even with the best points gathered, they are not aware of how to write this paper.

The basics of writing a biology dissertation can be elusive for a lot of students and this is as a result of the fact that most of the time, teachers hardly ever focus on this. Their emphasis will in most cases be on the content, the points that you must discuss and the results of your work. However most of them assume that you already know how to structure this essay.

In order to help you set sail to the promised land in as far as your biology dissertation is concerned, the following are some useful tips that will surely point you in the right direction:

  • Citation style
  • Importance of research
  • Solution finding approach
  • Proofreading and plagiarism

Citation style

Every paper that you work on will have a specific citation style that is required of you. Over the years we have seen learning institutions set instructions on a particular style that you must use to present your work.

However, if you are not given any such instructions, you need to take your time and learn the default citation module necessary for a biological paper. This way you can at least be sure that your work will be presented in a scientifically acceptable manner.

Importance of research

Sciences must always be accompanied by good research. There is not another way around this. It is important for you to make sure that you dig deep, do proper research and make sure that you present an arguably strong paper.

Solution finding approach

Your work must always take on a solution finding approach if you want to get more marks. The reason for this is because your teacher will see your work in a relevant angle.

Proofreading and plagiarism

Before you present your work for marking, make sure that you read through it to correct simple mistakes, and check it for plagiarism.


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